I am an extremely avid teacher of all ages and skill levels. I have been teaching since I was around fourteen years old, either as a student's primary instructor, or a supplementary tutor, and it is one of the few activities in life that I consistently love.
I don't believe the objective of instructing music has anything inherently to do with "becoming a professional musician," nor with "playing the piano well," rather a shared enjoyment of an activity that brings almost everyone joy. I love spending time creating specific curricula that matches what each of my students is interested in, and what might help them achieve their musical goals, be it improvising to a song they enjoy, auditioning for a conservatory, or harmonising voices of YouTube videos.
I also have a particular interest in working with those with learning disabilities; I have taught children with ADHD and autism, and have seen and felt the effect teaching music has with them.
I would include a translation of this short blurb in French, but, very unfortunately, my French is not at a fluent level, and to include one in my section on "teaching" would belie the fact that, as of now, I am only able to give lessons in English, lest I completely misconstrue a fundamental concept and cause years of confusion... (If, however, one was to offer French lessons in exchange for piano lessons... this would be an extremely enticing offer!)
Please do not hesitate to contact me for a trial lesson, which I give free of charge.
Contact me here!